Hello Tupper Mini Students,
On Wednesday, February 8th, we will be going on a field trip to see Forgiveness at the Stanley Theatre. Students will meet at 11:00 AM in the foyer, and arrive at the theatre at 12:30 PM. The show will run until 4:30 pm. Transportation from the school to the theatre will not be provided so students will be required to make their own way there. Students must travel in groups of minimum two. We also have about 20 extra tickets we have so if you have any friends or family interested in coming have them contact the Tupper Mini Gmail (tuppermini@gmail.com) or come see Mr.I directly. Tickets will be $30 and we will have a School Cash Online set up shortly for payment. Field trip forms should now be available from Mr. I or your grade's mini class.
We hope to see you all there,
Mini Council