On a blasted heath in medieval Scotland, three women tell a General that he is fated to be the King of Scotland. The image takes hold in his mind, and triggers a chain of decisions that leads to the murder of Kings, friends, mothers and their children. Shakespeare’s great study of power and corruption is both terrifying and sublime – and has never been more relevant.
-Bard on the Beach

Recently, Tupper Mini School went on its annual cross grade trip to Bard on the Beach, to one of the most famous Shakespeare plays: Macbeth. It was a very chilling and dramatic experience with expressive actors and great choreography.

The experience gave us a chance to meet and interact with mini students from all different ages in a very enriching and education environment.

From the creeping mist on the stage, to the conflicts and madness portrayed by the actors, and to the oddities of the supernatural, our group had a great time at Bard on the Beach. We are looking forward to next year’s performance!